Jelly Bean Taste Test Party
Spilling the beans on how to host a jelly bean taste test party for your kids and all their friends. Includes FREE printable worksheet, jelly bean, and bag labels.
Jelly Bean Taste Test
Have you been to the grocery store recently and taken a walk down the Easter aisles? Did you notice the huge selection of jelly beans from just about every single candy company? My goodness, it’s overwhelmingly amazing! Starburst, SweetTARTS, Jolly Rancher, Nerds, Laffy Taffy, and even Sour Patch all have their own delicious line of jelly beans.
A few years ago the kids and I flew down to California to spend spring break with my family. During our stay, my mom hosted a fun little jelly bean taste test for my kids to indulge and enjoy. She had already tested the game out on her second-grade class. My kids loved it and talked about it so often that we adopted this yearly tradition in our home. Four years and counting my kids have hosted their very own Jelly Bean Taste Test for all their friends!
How to Host a Jelly Bean Taste Test Party
Start a new spring tradition by hosting a jelly bean taste testing party. There are many ways to organize one. You can arrange the beans by colors or blindfold the kids having them guess all the many flavors. However, we have found that the best way that works for a large group of children ages 4-10 is to have them guess which grouping of jelly beans belongs to which bag.
First, purchase a variety of different jelly beans. This printable Jelly Bean Taste Test children’s worksheet allows for up to six different types of jelly beans for the children to taste.
Brand ideas found at my local grocery store are listed below.
- Starburst
- SweetTARTS
- Jolly Rancher
- Nerds
- Laffy Taffy
- Sour Patch
- Jelly Belly
- Branch’s
- Welch’s
- Swedish Fish
- Bean Boozled or Harry Potter beans if you’re feeling sneaky. (Haha I’m going to have to remember that for next year)
After you select your variety of jelly beans, carefully cut open the bags of jelly beans and arrange them in multiple different containers for sampling. As you sort, be sure to write down which bean belongs to which bag. Some of them are hard to tell and could look exactly alike.
Print up the of Dazzling Hospitality’s FREE downloadable printables
- Jelly Bean Worksheet (one per child)
- Number Tags
- Bag Alphabet Tags
To add a little flare, tape papers straws or wooden sticks onto the backs of the jelly bean numbers tag and stick them inside each jelly bean container. Next, paperclip or tape the Jelly Bean Bag Alphabet Tags to the bags. If there is a picture of the jelly beans shown on the bag attempt to cover them with the alphabet tags as much as possible to make the game harder to guess.
Display your labeled bags neatly on a poster board or easel so that all those who are invited can see and guess.
Invite all your friends over for the tasty sampling! I’m sure many of you can figure out the rest, but just in case start the taste testing with jar number 1 by passing out a few jelly beans for each contestant. Allow a minute or so for them to guess before moving down the line. Make sure to compare answers to see how many they got right and find out which one was everyone’s favorite. In the end all will have had delicious Jelly Beans….so everyone literally is a WINNER!
Lastly, make sure to provide a small clear bag for everyone to scoop up there favorites to take home and enjoy!
Hope you all have fun exploring the many different brands of jelly bean flavors. Happy Easter!
xoxo Whitney
For more great party ideas click here.